English Garden Detail Outline

Jenna Libman

Meet the new face of your brand - Inquire for rates

English Garden Detail Outline

My name is Jenna and I'm a Gen Z UGC creator, social media manager, and creative strategist.

My content has led to results such as 3-5x ROAS, 1.68mil impressions, and 1.6-3% CTR.

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Tampa, FL - let me take your brand to the beach!

I have worked in freelance social media since June 2020 from both the brand & creator side. Humans are multi-passionate, so I work with a wide variety of niches and open to trying new things.

Please take a look through my work and reach out with any questions.

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English Garden Detail Outline

Dynamic Content

English Garden Detail Outline

Peachy Shapewear

Cheeky Dental

Curology Skincare



English Garden Detail Outline

Dynamic Content

English Garden Detail Outline

Birdy Grey Bridesmaid Dresses

Pet Hair Cleaner Product


My Italian Charms Jewelry

Ned Sleep Supplement

English Garden Detail Outline

Dynamic Content

English Garden Detail Outline

Arctiq.AI Studying AI Website

Headway App

Landing Housing Website

Few Moda Fashion

ZilMoney Financial Platform

English Garden Detail Outline

Static Content

English Garden Detail Outline
English Garden Detail Outline


English Garden Detail Outline
English Garden Detail Outline

Let's Get Creative!

Inquire for rates and packages

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